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Protect National Lands 2022


TAKE ACTION: Protect National Forests

Our national forests and private forestlands are home to tremendous biological diversity and provide important value to communities across the country. Not only do they collect and filter our drinking water, clean the air we breathe, and provide habitat for wildlife, they also generate jobs and provide special areas for recreation.

Despite the importance and popularity of our national forests, they are facing unprecedented threats: extreme drought, growing rates of pests, and worst of all — severe mega-fires. These supersized fires, which burn more than 100,000 acres at a time, were once very rare, but now occur every single year because of our changing climate.

We cannot stand by and watch as our forests are destroyed acre by acre. Take action now and demand Congress protect our national forests today!

Congress is considering increased support for these three crucial forest conservation programs. Here’s what’s at stake:

  • Forest Legacy Program provides incentives for landowners to protect their forestlands, helping to conserve and expand over 2.8 million acres of forestlands across the country.
  • Community Forest and Open Space Program provides grants to local governments, tribes, and nonprofit organizations to create community forests, which not only encourage sustainable forest management, but also protect water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities.
  • Urban and Community Forestry Program provides funding to municipalities for tree planting, urban planning, and forest projects focused on improving public health.

Urge Congress to protect our forests now by sending your message today.

RE: Protect our national forests

To [Decision Maker],

I strongly support the protection and restoration of our national forests and private forestlands through the Forest Legacy Program, the Community Forest and Open Space Program, and the Urban and Community Forestry Program.

Our national forests are home to tremendous biological diversity and provide important value to communities across the country. These incredible places cannot continue to be degraded, or worse be damaged irreparably as climate change-driven mega-fires continue to grow each year.

Increasing funding for these critical forest conservation programs will help us to conserve and expand millions of acres of private forestlands across the country, encouraging sustainable forest management while protecting water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities.

Our national forests are unique places that benefit all Americans, including future generations. Please listen to the millions of Americans who love our forests by increasing investments in the Forest Legacy Program, the Community Forest and Open Space Program, and the Urban and Community Forestry Program today.


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