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Find joy in the great outdoors and enter for your chance to win an Active Travel Vacation worth $10,000!

TPL and Backroads, the leader in active travel, believe that access to the outdoors is a fundamental human need and essential to our well-being. Yet, in the U.S., about one in three people, including 28 million children, don't have a quality park close to home.

Right now, we're inviting you to explore the great outdoors with us! For a limited time, you can enter for your chance to win a voucher for two for a U.S.-based Backroads trip, valued at $10,000 USD— and support public lands in the process. Enter for your chance to win an unforgettable outdoor adventure!

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RE: Protect our national forests

I strongly support the protection and restoration of our national forests and private forestlands through the Forest Legacy Program, the Community Forest and Open Space Program, and the Urban and Community Forestry Program.

Our national forests are home to tremendous biological diversity and provide important value to communities across the country. These incredible places cannot continue to be degraded, or worse - be damaged irreparably - as climate change-driven mega-fires continue to grow each year.

Increasing funding for these critical forest conservation programs will help us to conserve and expand millions of acres of private forestlands across the country, encouraging sustainable forest management while protecting water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities.

Our national forests are unique places that benefit all Americans, including future generations. Please listen to the millions of Americans who love our forests by increasing investments in the Forest Legacy Program, the Community Forest and Open Space Program, and the Urban and Community Forestry Program today.

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