Take Action

Sign now to protect our at-risk forests!


Despite the importance and popularity of our forests, they face unprecedented threats: real estate development, unsustainable timber harvesting, and—worst of all—severe climate change-driven megafires. These supersized fires, which burn more than 100,000 acres at a time, were once very rare but now occur every single year.

We cannot stand by and watch as our forests are destroyed acre by acre. Take action now and demand that Congress protect our local forests today!

By taking action, you will receive important updates about our work and how you can help Trust for Public Land protect public land and parks for people.

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RE: Protect our nation's forests


As an avid supporter of the outdoors, I urge you to support the protection and restoration of our nation's forests through the Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program.

Our forests are home to tremendous biological diversity and provide significant value to communities across the country. These incredible places cannot continue to be degraded, or worse - be damaged irreparably - as megafires caused by climate change continue to grow each year.

Increasing funding for this critical forest conservation program will help us to protect forests across the country by encouraging sustainable forest management while protecting water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities.

Our nation's forests are unique places that benefit all Americans, including future generations. Please listen to the millions of Americans who love our forests by increasing investments in the Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program today.

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